Thursday, February 19, 2009

As Good a Deal as I Could Get?

The hearing took place at the Rental Board this afternoon. The judge tried to get the parties concerned to reach an agreement before the actual hearing would have to take place. I had already sent the landlord a letter saying that I would not renew my lease when it expired on June 30, 2009. This formed the basis of the agreement. I stated that I would not renew my lease when it expired on June 30, 2009, and the landlord stated that he would not try to sue me for the $15,000 to $20,000 damages that he claimed I had done to the apartment by living there for so long. This agreement will now be made into a binding judgment which will allow me to stay in the apartment until June 30, but not any longer than that. So I'm in a better position than I have been for months.

The picture at the top of this blog entry shows the computer used to write these blog entries. It was taken with a Polaroid camera, and the lens was not that good, but it shows you what I have to work with when I write these blogs.

I suppose that I should be thankful that I can use a "Flock" browser, which works reasonably quickly even with a computer with a CPU of only 333 MHz. With this particular computer, Firefox 3 is about as fast as a lumbering elephant.


  1. Good News Jack! 4 Months will sneak up on you quick, have any idea where you will go next?
