Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Under the Bed

After my last blog entry, I began to get the idea to look under my bed to see what was underneath.

I did not know what to expect, but I already seemed to be in enough trouble as is. So on Sunday night, September 21, I started to look under my bed.

The first thing that I noticed was  a green plastic garbage bag. I did not think that much of importance was in there. But I was not prepared for the shock that soon faced me.

There were mainly papers in the bag, but what shocked me most was their extreme unimportance.

On opening the bag, the first thing that I saw was the guide booklet on how to do my provincial income tax return for 2003. In the same bag, there were a few phone and hydro bills going as far back as 1999 and even 1998.

So why was I saving this useless junk? To understand the situation, we must go back to the summer of 2004, when I first met Ouija.

In August 2004, they were doing a renovation of my apartment, which included replacing part of my bedroom floor. In order for them to do this, it was necessary to move a lot of stuff out of their way. So the papers, which had been on top of a small desk, were placed in a green garbage bag which was then stuffed under my bed for the time being. The Guide to doing the tax return for 2003 had been used within a couple of months of the period when the renovations began.

After getting rid of most of the contents of this bag of junk, I continued to look for more stuff under the bed over the next few days. I found a bag full of electric lights and extension cords, which were the remains of the lights that had been hung up over the plants in the kitchen prior to the 2004 renovations. Then I found some gardening stuff which had been removed from the kitchen when the renovation had been done in the kitchen. I was then able to extract an Adler electric typewriter from under the bed and put it in the hall of the apartment building.

              (to be continued)


  1. it is alot of fun and horros to go under a bed. You find alot of things forgotten or thought you never add, etc...

  2. I have storage boxes under my bed... one for me, one for Marc... his is full of stuff, like your bag.. mine has off season clothes in it.. I went through his one day, just for fun... found lots of useless stuff, but also a few "treasures". It's always interesting to go through those bags and boxes when you can.

    We went through a major renovation over the last couple of years, combined with cleaning out my dads house. I have an entire room FULL of stuff that needs to be sorted through.. just no time to do it right now. It will be interesting to see what is worth keeping when the time comes.

  3. It's like discovering buried treasure, is it not?
    But its all garbage interfering with the flow of Chi.
    When you fill your spaces with attention, this is my I told you so lecture.
    OK never mind. I think my point is made.

  4. Sounds like my son's room. ROFL!!!!!

  5. I am thinking i'm glad there is no under neath my bed, It's one of those deep beds that swallows the headboard if you put it on the frame.
    Hope you don't find any spiders n snakes
    have a good day hugss

  6. Jack You are an inspiration. I have most of the papers, (bills, letters, post cards, that kind of stuff) that have arrived here since 1922. I have several rooms i call the abandined rooms, rooms no one has occupied since the 1960's. I think I will start to clean them out. I have a master bedroom that holds 5 chests of drawers and 2 double beds with an 8 foot by 6 foot closet, I have never been able to sleep in. Time to clear out the dead folks.....

  7. Oh, You men are a feng shui nightmare.
    I have chest pain!!

  8. Why the men, It was the families decision when someone died to close the room. When I inherited the house I moved Louis Stuff in with his wifes stuff, and I use his bed room. How many bedrooms do you personally use. Agatha liked to sleep in the hall, I tried to give her her own room, but you know how Dogs can be, now bella likes to sleep where she can see me. But the impetus to keep everything asi it was is a woman's idea. I was only being obedient.

  9. you continue following this order because?

    Are these rooms tombs? memorials?

  10. Someone died and their loved ones wanted things to remain as they were. but I suppose I could move a few things..... The house still has most of it's original furniture.... Why change what works, although when the stove went a couple of years ago I did replace it..... The new one isn't as handy but you have to cope.

  11. I moved to a new house and moved with me all my stuff even I don't use them any more 2 box of music cassets tapes recorders and books , and every day an argument with my sister convince me to get rid of them ...
