Monday, April 21, 2008

An Ending

Nathan N. Nathanson
Born: Raducaneni, Romania, January 2, 1911
Died; Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April 11, 2008

The photograph above is that of my father, who passed away a little over a week ago at the age of 97. The photograph was taken in the summer of 2005. It took me a while to feel up to posting this in my blog. I rarely if ever post anything personal in my blog. But I felt it necessary to mention my father's passing before I could get on to other topics. He was in the hospital for several periods during the winter, and I usually visited him every day when he was in hospital. So this past winter was a particularly dark period for me, and not just because of the heaviest total snowfall since 1971.

If any of you noticed that my online activity had decreased considerably, this is one of the reasons. After spending so much time and energy going to the hospital, I did not often feel like writing 3 or 4 blog entries when I got home.

So now he is gone, and it is now spring (or perhaps summer, considering the outdoor temperatures during the day). But a new problem for me seems to have suddenly arisen. I live in an apartment building, and on the night before the funeral, notices were put up on the doors of the building saying that electricians were coming into the building to upgrade the wiring starting the following day. The electricians finally started working in my apartment this morning (April 21). Unfortunately, the electricians were not the only people to see my apartment today. It seems that the landlord also saw it, and now he wants me to move out. He says that my apartment is too dirty, and he has threatened to call the city building inspector. I admit that considering what I went  through last winter, house cleaning was not a high priority. And the landlord doesn't seem to particularly want me to clean up the apartment and stay. He seems to prefer that I move out. He even mentioned that the building is going to be converted to electric heating and I will then be responsible for paying for my own heat, drastically increasing the cost of my living there.

At this point, after that horrific winter which ended in the passing of my father, finding another apartment and moving was the last thing I had on my mind.
There is still much work to be done in settling my father's estate and arranging for the care of my mother, who has Alzheimer's, and I need moving like I need another hole in my head. There is a rent-subsidized building nearby that I am now old enough to move into, and that is always an option, but they do not allow pets in there, and I presently have two cats whom I would have to find new homes for.

So that is my present situation and the reason that I have not been as active on the internet as before.

Any advice, suggestions, healing energy, healing prayers, etc., would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Well of course you have all my healing energy and prayers. I wish you peace on the passing of your father. And strength for the upcoming challenges in placing your mother.
    97? Born in Romania? Emigrated to Canada. Wow. His life must have been very very interesting. I do hope someday you post his story. That would be a fasincating story, and a wonderful homage for him.

    There is something fishy there in that landlord. To walk in and evict because he finds the place too dirty. Without giving you an opportunity to get it cleaned. Hmm. Sounds like retrofitting to me. Sounds like he has plans to sell it as condo's maybe in the future.
    But you know Jack. A change is as good as a rest. A fresh start might just be what you need. As tumultous and disruptive as it is.
    I wish I lived closer.
    Apartment hunting is one of my favorite things to do. I'd hit the streets for you.
    By Jeez, I'd get you moved. And feng shui'd while we did it.
    I know there will be many people though ready to lend a hand here. You are well respected. All you needed to do was reach out the hand...and now you have.

  2. Oh and Jack...two words for you.
    "Saturn Return".
    Gird your loins. It's a long and bumpy ride.

  3. Jack~I am so very sorry for the loss of your father. He has a kind face and I am sure you love him very much. My heart goes out to you in your grief.

  4. Sorry about that...but by the look of it, it seem like he lived a long and really good life (btw, how did he passed away, I assume it's old age, right)?

  5. Its been a tough winter for you, Jack; I wish you would have said something...but I know, that wouldn't have happened.

    Deena is right; something fishy. Changing the heating to electric...wonder if he's thinking of going condo, might be a good idea to keep your ear to the ground. Contact the Tenants' Right association, for starters.

  6. May the goodness and richness of your father's life ever flow strong in your memories, and comfort you. You were so blessed to have been able to share so much life with such a wonderful father salah' I pray that the joyness and energy of love and life return to you now, after giving so much. I respect and honor you for your courage and giving strength and in so, honoring your Father. I just love ya Jack and I'm so sorry you have suffered so much this past year. Big hugs hun...I'll email you a few natural ways to get rid of what bugs ya! big hugs oxoxoxoxox Motherchi

  7. I dont know what to advise you but please dont find homes for your cats unless they are really good people. I have cats. I truly am sorry about your father, he looks like he was a very nice man. I know how heartbreaking this is. Your mother has Alzheimers, well so did my father, and they require constant care. Where does your mother live? Both my parents are now dead and I really do know what you are going through but I cant think of anything to help you either. Good luck and good wishes and thanks for dropping by my site. I got rather ill after all this was over with my parents but since then I recovered, it really was just stress from taking care of my mother.Take care and try not to let it stress you too much, if possible.
